Thomas H. Davenport

Thomas H. Davenport
Tom Davenport holds the President's Chair in Information Technology and Management at Babson College. His books and articles on business process reengineering, knowledge management, attention management, knowledge worker productivity, and analytical competition helped to establish each of those business ideas. Over many years he's authored or co-authored nine books for Harvard Business Press, most recently Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning (2007) and Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results (2010). His byline has also appeared for publications such as Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Financial Times, Information Week, CIO, and many others. Davenport has an extensive background in research and has led research centers at Ernst & Young, McKinsey & Company, CSC Index, and the Accenture Institute of Strategic Change. Davenport holds a B.A. in sociology from Trinity University and M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University. For more from Tom Davenport, visit his website and follow his regular HBR blog.
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Big Data @work
“Önemli olan verinin hacmiyle büyülenmek değil onu analiz edebilmek onu içgörü, inovasyon ve işletme değerine çevirebilmektir.” Büyük verinin ortaya çıkışı (veya en azından fark edilişi) üzerinden sadece on yıl geçmiş olsa da, özellikleri “yeni bir devir” anlamına geliyor. Farklı sektörlerden büyük kuruluşlar veri ekonomisine katılıyor ve büyük veriyi sadece daha iyi kararlar ile maliyet tasarrufu için değil, müşterilerine veriye dayalı …