Timothy A. Pychyl

Timothy A. Pychyl
Dr. Tim Pychyl is the Director of the Centre for Initiatives in Education and Associate Professor of Psychology at Carleton University. Tim accepted a faculty position in psychology at Carleton after completing his doctoral work in the department. As someone who has been passionate about teaching throughout his life (having previously taught tennis, whitewater canoeing, English as a Second Language and public school), Tim has been recognized with numerous awards in higher education including the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations’ Teaching Award (1998), a 3M National Teaching Fellowship (1999), the University Medal for Distinguished Teaching (2006), a Graduate Mentoring Award (2012) as well as other university teaching awards. This focus on teaching is what drives Tim’s “research as a way of learning” approach to the PRG, where students learn through conducting original research on the topic of procrastination.
Kaynak: Procrastination RG
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